Regulació de la microcirculació hepàtica en la cirrosi i malalties vasculars hepàtiques
Línies de recerca
Basic research
- Pre-clinical models for disease studies. To get a full translation to our clinical research we have developed rodent models of both cirrhotic and non-cirrhotic portal hypertension.
- Role of liver sinusoidal endothelial cells in the regulation of liver fibrosis and liver regeneration. LSEC are the first cell type sensing liver injury and coordinating the liver response towards a fibrotic or regenerative process. We have several project addressing specifically the molecular pathways involved in the orchestration of LSEC-dependent liver response.
Research lines
- Physiopathology, natural history, prognosis and management for portal hypertension. In the last decade we have been collecting information from patients with portal hypertension and have a unique collection of patients and several studies ongoing focused on natural history and prognosis.
- Precision medicine in the management of decompensated cirrhosis. We are currently leading clinical trials evaluating different treatment strategies depending on the individual risk of decompensation in patients with cirrhosis.
- Hepatic vascular diseases (Budd-Chiari syndrome, portal vein thrombosis; Idiopathic non-cirrhotic portal hypertension): physiopathology, prognosis and management. We are European reference network (ERN) for the treatment of rare vascular disorders of the liver and have a big sample size of patients that has allowed us to lead international trials mainly focused on improving the management and prognosis of patients with vascular liver diseases.
- Discovery of diagnostic bio-markers for idiopathic portal hypertension and for risk-stratification. Applying genomics and transcriptomics we have discovered disease-related biomarkers and also altered regulatory pathways involved in IPH.
- Mechanisms in liver inflammation and fibrosis. We are interested in understanding the intracellular and intercellular mechanisms that are activated in response to an injury with the ultimate goal of developing new therapies to improve the treatment of liver diseases.