Malalties cròniques del fetge: mecanismes moleculars i conseqüències clíniques
Publicacions destacades
Characterization of inflammatory response in hepatorenal syndrome
Solé C; Solà E; Huelin P; Carol M; Moreira R;(...)Torres F; Morales-Ruiz M; Farrés J; Jiménez W; Ginès P .Referència:Liver International 2019.
Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin for assessment of acute kidney injury in cirrhosis
Huelin, Patricia; Sola, Elsa; Elia, Chiara; Sole, Cristina; Risso, Alessandro;(...)Fernandez, Javier; Jimenez, Wladimiro; Poch, Esteban; Torres, Ferran; Gines, Pere.Referència:Hepatology 2019.
Solà E; Solé C; Simón-Talero M; Martín-Llahí M; Castellote J;(...)Navasa M; Xiol X; Córdoba J; Vargas V; Ginès P .Referència:Journal Of Hepatology 2018.
Bacterial and fungal infections in acute-on-chronic liver failure: Prevalence, characteristics and impact on prognosis
Fernández J; Acevedo J; Wiest R; Gustot T; Amoros A;(...)Pavesi M; Hernández-Tejero M; Ginès P; Arroyo V; European Foundation for the Study of Chronic Liver Failure.Referència:Gut 2018.
Prevalence of hepatic steatosis as assessed by controlled attenuation parameter (CAP) in subjects with metabolic risk factors in primary care. A population-based study.
Fabrellas N; Hernández R; Graupera I; Solà E; Ramos P;(...)Bernat M; Sola M; Olivé C; Solé C; Ginès P .Referència:Plos One 2018.
Validation of a Staging System for Acute Kidney Injury in Patients With Cirrhosis and Association With Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure
Huelin P; Piano S; Solà E; Stanco M; Solé C;(...)Elia C; Cárdenas A; Fernández J; Angeli P; Ginès P.Referència:Clinical Gastroenterology And Hepatology 2017.
Acute-on-chronic liver failure: An update
Hernaez R.; Solà E.; Moreau R.; Ginès P.;Referència:Gut 2017.
Plasma copeptin as biomarker of disease progression and prognosis in cirrhosis
Solà E; Kerbert AJ; Verspaget HW; Moreira R; Pose E;(...)van der Reijden JJ; Fernandez J; van Hoek B; Coenraad MJ; Ginès P .Referència:Journal Of Hepatology 2016.
Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin is a biomarker of acute-on-chronic liver failure and prognosis in cirrhosis
Ariza, X; Graupera, I; Coll, M; Sola, E; Barreto, R;(...)Angeli, P; Jalan, R; Moreau, R; Sancho-Bru, P; Gines, P.Referència:Journal Of Hepatology 2016.
Screening for liver fibrosis in the general population: a call for action
Ginès P; Graupera I; Lammert F; Angeli P; Caballeria L;Krag A; Guha IN; Murad SD; Castera L.Referència:Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology 2016.