
  • Evaluation of mantle cell lymphoma and methods related thereto

    Inventors: Elías Campo, et al.

    Priority number: US62325213

    Priority date: 20/04/2016

    PCT number: PCT/US2017/028628

    PCT submission date: 20/04/2017

    Patent publication code: WO2017184861

    Patent publication date: 26/10/2017

    Owner(s):HCB et al.

  • Method for determining lymphoma type

    Inventors: Elías Campo, Andreas Rosenwald, Randy Gascoyne, Timothy Greiner, Dennis Weisenburger, Erlend B. Smeland, Jan Delabie, German Ott, Rita Braziel, Elaine S. Jaffe, Kai Fu, Wing Chan, Joo Song, James R. Cook

    Priority number: US 62/519,728

    Priority date: 14/06/2017

    PCT number: PCT/US2018/036084

    PCT submission date: 05/06/2018

    Patent publication code: WO2018231589

    Patent publication date: 20/12/2018

    Owner(s): UB, IDIBAPS, HCB, et al.

  • Method to predict the clinical evolution of a patient suffering from chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)

    Inventors: José Ignacio Martín-Subero, Elías Campo, Carlos López

    Priority number: EP12382391

    Priority date: 11/10/2012

    PCT number: PCT/EP2013/071065

    PCT submission date: 09/10/2013

    Patent publication code: WO2014056986

    Patent publication date: 17/04/2014

    Owner(s): UB, U. Oviedo, HCB

  • Methods for selecting and treating lymphoma types by means expression profiling

    Inventors: Elías Campo, et al.

    Priority number: US61/900,553

    Priority date: 06/11/2013

    PCT number: PCT/US2014/064161

    PCT submission date: 05/11/2014

    Patent publication code: WO2015069790

    Patent publication date: 14/05/2015

    Owner(s): HCB et al.