Clinical and experimental neuroscience
Systems neuropharmacology
Analía Bortolozzi -
Child and adolescent psychiatry and psychology
Josefina Castro-Fornieles -
Cerebrovascular diseases
Ángel Chamorro -
Theoretical neurobiology of cortical circuits
Albert Compte -
Pathogenesis of autoimmune neuronal disorders
Josep Dalmau -
Cortical circuit dynamics
Jaime De La Rocha -
Inherited Metabolic Diseases and Muscular Disorders
Glòria Garrabou -
Xavier Gasull -
Clinical Neurophysiology
Alejandro Iranzo -
Carme Junqué -
Clinical addictions
Hugo López-Pelayo -
Eduard Parellada -
Imaging of mood- and anxiety-related disorders (IMARD)
Joaquim Raduà -
Alzheimer's disease and other cognitive disorders
Raquel Sanchez-Valle -
Systems neuroscience
Maria V. Sanchez-Vives -
Multimodal neuroimaging in high risk and early psychosis
Gisela Sugranyes -
Ramon Trullàs -
Bipolar and depressive disorders
Eduard Vieta